A lonely astronaut created with Midjourney and ChatGPT

Created a prompt combination with ChatGPT for Midjourney:

A lonely astronaut standing on a planet. The planet is barren, fractal plant growths dotting the landscape. The lighting is stark, casting deep shadows that add to the sense of isolation. The mood is reflective, with a hint of unease as the astronaut gazes out into the unknown. - warrior's destiny::5 epic fantasy journey, dramatic colors, sharp lines::4 fantasy concept art, inspired by the Martian and Interstellar, with a focus on character design and world-building::3 sweeping camera shots, slow-motion action, and richly detailed landscapes::3 warm lighting with a golden tint, accentuating the hero's journey and giving the world a magical feel::-2 --ar 16:9

Here is the result:


A Mediterranean courtyard with prompts


A neon-soaked futuristic street made with Midjourney